MoForever Alumni News Winter 2021
MoForever Winter 2021 | 20 Supreme Court Group and Drew’s former colleague. “He was a sharp mind and was quick to work with the team to help find creative solutions for our clients.” Drew graduated from Yale Law School in 1966 and returned to the university as a professor in 1981. A decade later, he was named Alfred M. Rankin Professor of Law; from 1988 to 1993, he served as founding director of the Orville H. Schell Jr. Center for International Human Rights at Yale. Drew balanced teaching with legal advocacy work up until his 2017 retirement from Yale. Although Drew left an immeasurable impact on civil rights law, he’s remembered by colleagues and friends as a kind, warm, and humble man. We hope to carry out Drew’s legacy of integrity, moral clarity, and commitment to building a more compassionate and equitable society in our work.
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